Prices for San Diego, long-term stays are both here and on my Rover page. 
Booking as far in advance as possible is advised. Check availability calendar here.
Every household is different. Below are a few estimates to give you an idea of my daily rates. Please contact me with a brief summary of the sit details including dates and info about your pets and other animals for a final quote. 
Estimated rate (assuming 20 pesos to a dollar):
Daily house sitting: $50.00 per day
House-sitting with 1 cat or 1 dog or other small animals: $65.00 per day
House sitting with 1 additional cat (+$5) or Dog (+$10).
Bookings and deposits: 
Cost per day includes the arrival and departure date. 
For example, your departing on May 3rd in the afternoon and returning sometime on May 8th is a 6-day booking (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th). 
There is a 30% deposit at booking. The balance is due 7 days prior to your departure,
Your deposit will be billed to you via email (PayPal/credit card)) once you are happy with the sit's details. Only when the deposit is received will your dates will be considered reserved for you. If your schedule changes after the deposit is received I will do my best to accommodate new dates if I am available. There is no extra cost for the change. However, if your reservation clashes with previous bookings by other clients no changes can be made.
The balance due must be paid 1 week before your departure.
If bookings are made with 7 days of the sit, full payment is due at that time.
I am also happy to deal with deposits/payments when I do the Meet Up with you and your pets. Just let me know what is easier for you.
Why is 30% nonrefundable if I cancel within 7 days? 
Once I set aside my time for you and block out availability on my calendar I lose money should you cancel. The deposit helps me to recoup only a portion of the shortfall I will experience from missed work should nobody else book your time slot once I reopen those days to availability.  
Paying by Cash
Repeat clients in good standing may be able to pay cash on my arrival at a sit. There is a 3% cash discount.
Booking steps
To reserve your sit dates contact me with your travel dates, pet details and the area where the sit will take place. I usually reply with a quote or further questions in less than one day. Once all is agreed on you will be sent an invoice via email which may be paid via credit card or Paypal. After your deposit is received you will receive a confirmation via email that your reservation is confirmed. 
Always remember:
I come to all sits with my own fully trained, well-socialized, 20 lb dog - Steve.This is not negotiable. If your pets are not well socialized or are territorial I am not able to accept gigs in your home. Thank you for your interest. 
I petsit in your home, not mine, and will pick up mail, water plants, etc. as asked.
I require Wifi during sits as I work a second job as a book publisher around your pets needs. I am great at what I do and your pet(s) will always be my priority.
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